The Maypole. If you can figure out why I called the track this you win bonus points. The feel of the track called to mind Celtic; ritualistic.
Constructing this was an interesting process. I had the beats and basic rhythm working early on. Then I found that magical, dancing, skipping idea that floats in during the middle breakdown. The challenge was how to harmonise the two: in its raw form it felt like it came out of nowhere. Much of the time this week was spent working out how to gently introduce it so that you feel like it’s been there all along, but still quite work out what it is until it really hits you.
For the critical or inquisitive listener, I ended up achieving this by:
- Bouncing a short loop of the line to audio and re-importing it;
- Passing it through a heavy reverb, 100% wet – i.e. all reverb, no original sound, so it’s more of a wash;
- Gently turning up the dry signal so that the articulation starts to progressively poke through.
- Fading the articulation back out again as the ‘real’, live version of the part comes through.
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