My name is Toby Pearce and I live in Grantham, in the UK. I’ve been producing music for a number of years that is as alarming as it is pleasing.
Fortunately and unfortunately, music is not my fulltime time job. It is, though, my full time passion.
I love many different kinds of music, and produce electronic dance music (of which the American phenomenon of EDM (which I don’t produce) is only a subset.
Hi Toby Great website. Love the title and the photo this week. Just to say that there is a typo above. I reckon it should read – full time job.
Love Andie
Thanks so much!
Found this site when reading your me too-comment in the Nexus 3 crash Reason-thread. Very cool idea to have something like this up (been tinkering with the idea but with visual design stuff instead). Really like your tracks! Now I feel that I ought to copy this idea, but perhaps that would put too much pressure on myself? Perhaps a good thing in the end though 🙂
Hi Markus – thanks for the message: that’s really great to hear. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the music. It is a bit of pressure for sure, but I’m learning a lot. I think the main thing is that it forces to you finish a track. Normally it’s so difficult to know when a piece is actually finished, but for me these days the answer is pretty simple: it’s finished when it’s Sunday afternoon!
I’d definitely recommend it 🙂
Keep in touch!
I actually sat down and installed a WP-theme on one of the domains I seem to own. Initially, I had the ambition/thought to do it as you do; have one track finished each week but thinking over that plan mad me realise that it wouldn’t work. So, now my plan is to finish early embryos as well as new creations and put them all up on one place. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh, have a listen if you’ve got some free time: https://wobbler.org/
Hey toby….. Will be following this blog from now on!
Oh I hope you like it! By the way, are you seeing an actual ‘follow’ feature you end? If not, would you recommend one?
No follow feature on the blog directly. I’m following via your Facebook profile updates. Might be a good idea to have a follow feature here, if only to separate your personal social circle from your musical fanbase (should you want to do that)