My dear Mum.

She died on 12 July 2020.
Alzheimers disease is no joke. The photo above, and the one below, are only a few years apart.
For all the time I’ve been working on the music you find on this website, Mum had been reaching her terminal days. Latterly, when I wasn’t making music I was often spending time with Mum, like this.
Precious time indeed.

And so to this week’s music.
I intended this to be a salute.
The 5 solitary bass notes take the form of foghorn blasts, like ships in the sea – one for each member of the family.
As you’ll have seen from the site, Mum, Dad, me and the rest of my family spend a lot of time (although not enough) around the sea and in particular on the Scottish Island of Tiree. The sound of the claxon resonates every time I catch the ferry over to the magic Island.
The track is 71 seconds – one second for each year of Mum’s life.
The track cuts short before it reaches its natural end.
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