“A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned.”
— Leonardo da Vinci.
The art of finishing art
Finishing art is hard. My art is music.
I have loved music all my life. Dance music, in particular, is a part of my soul. It defines who I am.
Making music is a wonderful way for me to express myself, and especially what I am feeling. (Words aren’t bad either, but they don’t cut to the quick in quite the same way.)
I’ve spent countless hours, loving individual pieces of music into existence. It takes time, energy and discipline, and it is worth it whether or not other people listen to my work.
Yet, it is better if other people do listen, and there is an infinitely better opportunity for this if my music is published and actually available. Indeed: people often ask me where they can find my stuff. I mumble something or other, or point to long-distant posts on Soundcloud, whilst secretly worrying about whether any of my work would stand up to any kind of scrutiny at all.
Like so many other aspiring producers, I start way more tracks than I finish. Some are abandoned half way through; others make it pretty far down track. For the ones that really touch me, I will often spend hours ‘perfecting’ them, endlessly. Needlessly.
Then they sit on my hard drive, gathering digital dust and for my ears only. This is a shame.
This site, then, is my commitment to do something about this; to create, finish and upload one track every week for the next year. It’s just one of many amazing quests that people are doing. You can read about other, equally inspiring ones here.
What you can expect each week
Each week I’ll:
• Publish a new track, whether I like it or not, whether I think it’s ready or not (and certainly whether it’s ‘perfected’ or not).
• Tell you how I got on that week – a mixture of how I felt, the process, and technical info if it’s useful and interesting.
• Then, start all over again.
I’ll also share other thoughts, some photography, and perhaps – if people do listen – discussion. I’d like that.
My hope is that over time the website becomes not just a chronicle and quest, but a work of art itself.
So please do enjoy the site!
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